Humanitarian Security Incident Information Management Event
14th June 2017 | 18:00-20:30 | London
Objective and Outline
The Humanitarian Security Incident Information Management (SIIM) is a 21-month project, funded by EU Humanitarian Aid, bringing together Insecurity Insight’s track-record in humanitarian data management and RedR UK’s capacity building expertise, and is supported by the European Interagency Security Forum network.
This event will feature speakers from the humanitarian sector, who will share their experiences of incident information management, from incident reporting to basing operational decisions on incident information gathered.
Participants will get the chance to learn more about the SIIM project, and the SIIM Handbook in particular. The SIIM Handbook is designed to support users to establish and develop effective security event reporting and monitoring systems that will enable better information sharing both internally and externally across the organisation and sector. The handbook will also provide guidance on how organisations can better use incident information to improve context analysis and decision making, both at an operational and strategic level.
A working version of the handbook will be presented at the event, along with information on how to further engage with the SIIM project and how to feed into the final version of the handbook.
Target audience
All humanitarian staff with any level of responsibility for security information management as well as operational and strategic decision-makers. Anyone interested in learning more about gathering, analysing and using security incident information.
A panel of three sector experts will present their perspective on the issue followed by Q&A. With an opportunity for networking at a small drinks reception.
18:00-19:30 Presentations and Q&A
Chair: Charlie Dalrymple, RedR
Speakers: Christina Wille, Director, Insecurity Insight
INGO HQ Security Advisor, TBC
Humanitraian Operational Manager, TBC
19:30-20:30 Drinks reception and networking
Christian Aid
35-41 Lower Marsh
London SE1 7RL, UK