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“Focus on Operationality” Briefing Papers – Summary and Glossary

1 January 2007
Middle East and North Africa

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“Focus on Operationality” Briefing Papers – Summary and Glossary

“Focus on Operationality” Briefing Papers (2007) are meant for humanitarian organisations inside Iraq, supporting agencies, policymakers and donors. They provide information on current operational and policy challenges, as well as lessons learned and best practices drawn from recent field experience. They are based on ongoing consultations with a spectrum of assistance and protection agencies ranging from large international organisations with country-wide programming, to small Iraqi NGOs working on programming niches in small geographic areas. They were researched in Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait between November 2007 and January 2008.


Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting

In this article for the Crisis Response Journal, Aisling Sweeney, GISF's Communications Officer, puts forward the case for remodelling funding processes for humanitarian security risk management.