“Donor agencies have played an essential role in addressing various problems plaguing the humanitarian community – fraud, corruption, concerns about the funding of terrorism, and, most recently, addressing the sexual exploitation and abuse of the population that humanitarian organisations are meant to aid. By asking questions of those they fund, donor agencies have brought about significant changes to the policies and procedures implemented by humanitarian organisations, contributing to the professionalism and transparency of humanitarian operations. These changes did not come easy, nor were all humanitarian organisations eager to implement the measures requested by donor agencies. However, by donors leveraging their key power – the ability to reduce or stop funding – humanitarian organisations have moved forward with necessary measures and improved overall humanitarian operations.
Despite the incredible steps taken forward on many issues – in particular those to address financial transparency – one problem has escaped notice of donor agencies and humanitarian organisations: the pervasive sexual violence occurring in humanitarian workplaces. Although humanitarian organisations are beginning to make strides towards addressing this problem, efforts would be amplified by the inclusion and involvement of donor agencies in this effort: through the funding of measures to address the issue, as well as requirements for appropriate and responsive policies and procedures before funding will be awarded.”
Report the Abuse (2017).