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H2H Network | COVID-19 Service Brief

Image for H2H Network | COVID-19 Service Brief
12 November 2020

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H2H Network | COVID-19 Service Brief

The H2H Network recognised the need for collective action within a week of the novel coronavirus being declared a public health emergency of international concern in January. The network activated its fund quickly to provide humanitarian-to-humanitarian services addressing the info-demic, one of the six priorities identified by WHO.

Since February, four members of the H2H Network – Internews, Translators without Borders, and BBC Media Action – have collaborated to support responders at every level by analysing information gaps and addressing them with evidence-based content in relevant languages, formats, and channels.

The H2H Network service package for countering the COVID-19 global ‘info-demic’ supports the response as it organises into a well-coordinated operation.

To view more resources visit H2H Network Website
