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Tactical Tech: Annual Report 2021

Image for Tactical Tech: Annual Report 2021
27 September 2022

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Tactical Tech: Annual Report 2021

Collaborating with over 150 partners in more than 58 countries, Tactical Tech designs and co-develops creative and forward-looking interventions, exhibitions, events and educational resources that invite people to think about how technology influences their lives and changes the world they live in.


Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery: Challenges and opportunities for security risk management

Twenty one authors have contributed to this publication analysing how communications technology is changing the operational environment, the ways in which communications technology is creating new opportunities for humanitarian agencies to respond to emergencies, and the impact that new programmes have on how we manage security.

GISF Webinar: Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery – Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management

GISF teamed up with DisasterReady.org to host a webinar entitled ‘Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management’. The webinar launches GISF’s new paper of the same title, and features engaging discussion on opportunities and challenges of communications technology in humanitarian delivery from Imogen Wall (the…