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Guidance Material

Security Risk Management: a basic guide for smaller NGOs

This guide (2017) aims to be a simple, easy-to-use security resource to help smaller NGOs demystify security risk management. By setting out the elements of a basic security risk management framework, this guide aims to support NGOs in translating their…

29 Jun 2017 Resource

UN-Civil-Military Coordination Field Handbook

In different settings, the interaction between humanitarian and military actors ranges from close cooperation to sheer co-existence. Humanitarian-military dialogue at all levels is essential – and the basis for effective humanitarian action on the ground. The UN-CMCoord Field Handbook is…

10 Apr 2017 Resource

Guide to selecting appropriate Crisis Management Insurance

This guidance document (2017) was developed by Harry Linnell who is a Crisis Management Insurance Broker at RKH Specialty. It provides guidance to NGOs on the questions to consider before taking out crisis management insurance.

15 Mar 2017 Resource

Security Guideline for People with Albinism

The Security Guideline for People with Albinism (2016) provides concrete and specific advice to people with albinism as well as those working with them, to remain safe within the context of where they live. It also provides easy to implement…

11 Aug 2016 Resource

Crisis communications for charities: a best practice guide

Charity Comms exists to improve the standard of communications and champion its role in the charity sector. Set up in 2007, Charity Comms has over 4,000 individuals involved as members, from over 500 charities. Working with independent comms consultants Champollion…

20 Oct 2015 Resource

Open NGO Security Policy

Guideline provided by the Centre for Safety and Development (2011). This NGO Security Policy is for guidance only, for small NGOs without field offices or expats. It has to be tailored to the characteristics of your organisation, mandate and context.

1 May 2011 Resource