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      State of Practice: The Evolution of Security Risk Management in the Humanitarian Space

      NGO Security Management, Safety, Duty of Care

      As a subject of humanitarian policy and practice, security risk management (SRM) has been an active and growing – yet largely understudied – area of operations. Only a small number of comprehensive, sector-wide analyses of SRM have been published over…

      Paper, Report 2024 Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Amharic, Ukranian GISF publication

      Partenariados y gestión de riesgos de seguridad: Guía de acción conjunta para organizaciones de ayuda locales e internacionales

      Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, NGO Security Management, Safety, Local Action

      Desde que hay registro de las agresiones contra el personal humanitario, quienes trabajan en ONG nacionales y locales (ONGN/L) de todo el mundo han estado expuestas/os a riesgos de seguridad. Mientras continúan los esfuerzos por “localizar” la ayuda y, con…

      Guides 2022 Spanish GISF publication

      Why I’m Vaxxed: personal stories from aid workers around the world


      Many aid organisations have highlighted the difficulties of managing vaccination requirements, and vaccine hesitancy in their operations. Therefore, at the request of members and others from the wider humanitarian community, GISF have put together some short videos to encourage staff…

      Other, Video 2021 English, French, Spanish GISF publication

      Security to go: a risk management toolkit for humanitarian aid agencies

      Acceptance, Context Analysis, Equipment, Inclusivity, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety, Technology

      Security to go: a risk management toolkit for humanitarian aid agencies (2020) is intended to provide a simple, easy-to-use guide for non-security experts to quickly set up basic safety, security and risk management systems in new contexts or rapid onset emergency…

      Guides 2020 English, French, Spanish GISF publication

      Gestión de la Violencia Sexual contra el Personal Humanitario: prevención, preparación, respuesta y atención posterior

      Gender, Human Rights, Inclusivity, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Training, Wellbeing

      Las agencias humanitarias tienen el deber de cuidado de responder ante incidentes de violencia sexual contra su personal. La violencia sexual, en todas sus formas, vulnera los derechos humanos. Los incidentes de este tipo afligen profundamente a la persona superviviente,…

      Guides 2020 Spanish GISF publication

      Gestión de la Seguridad del Personal Humanitario con Perfiles Diversos

      Gender, Human Rights, Inclusivity, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Training, Wellbeing

      La seguridad personal de alguien que trabaja en el sector humanitario se ve afectada por la interacción entre dónde está esa persona, quién es, y su función y su organización. Como empleadoras, las organizaciones humanitarias tienen el deber de cuidado…

      Paper 2020 Spanish GISF publication

      Gestión de riesgos de seguridad: una guía básica para las ONG pequeñas

      NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety

      La presente guía (2019) pretende ser un recurso de seguridad sencillo y fácil de usar que sirva a las ONG más pequeñas para romper mitos sobre la gestión de riesgos. Al establecer los elementos de un marco de gestión de…

      Guides 2019 Spanish GISF publication

      Managing the Security of Aid Workers with Diverse Profiles

      Acceptance, Gender, Human Rights, Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

      An aid worker’s personal security is impacted by the interplay between where the aid worker is, who they are, and their role and organisation. As employers, aid organisations have a duty of care to take all reasonable measures to protect…

      Paper, Briefing 2018 English, French, Spanish GISF publication