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CHS Alliance – Quick Reference Handbook

PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) is a term used by the UN and NGO community to refer to measures taken to protect vulnerable people from sexual exploitation and abuse our by own staff and associated personnel.

3 Mar 2021 Resource

RSH Inclusive Safeguarding.

This document provides a template for an inclusive code of conduct (COC) that can be used by organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). The COC sets out key behaviours that are particularly important for OPDs to consider when working with…

2 Mar 2021 Resource

Bullying and Harassment Factsheet

This factsheet provides an introduction to bullying and harassment in the workplace. It explains what bullying and harassment is, the global framework for addressing these issues and sets out the scale of the problem in the development sector. The factsheets…

2 Mar 2021 Resource