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3 day HEAT Safety and Security Training

3 day HEAT Safety and Security Training table
Start date6 May 2024
End date8 May 2024
Time9:00 am CEST |3:00 AM EDT
Provider Forth Global
LocationZonheuvel, Doorn
CostCosts: € 1.825,- (including all materials, 2 nights’ accommodation and complete care)
Booking URLhttps://forthglobal.com/training/3-day-heat-safety-and-security-training/

How should you deal with corruption during your stay aboard? What if you encounter a medical issue in a remote area? How can you control feelings of stress and tension when being mugged? What is your strategy when being abducted? This – and more – you will learn during the 3 day HEAT safety and security training. Subscribe for this training at the bottom.

For whom: For employees travelling in urban and remote areas in medium as in high risk countries. The training is suitable both for people who go on short trips, and people who remain abroad for longer periods of time.

Objective of the training: The goal of this training is to increase your personal safety during travel. After the training, you will be more aware of risks, know better how to avoid them, and you will have learned to deal with high-risk situations in remote areas.

  • Be able to implement the basics of personal safety;
  • Be able to implement the necessary preparations  for a stay abroad;
  • Be able to apply first aid in a remote setting;
  • Be able to recognize how to reduce risks, in different situations, during your visit abroad;
  • Be able to recognize your own stress responses and what may affect them;
  • Be able to deliver appropriate responses to an unexpected (life) threatening situation like a robbery, aggression, protest, corruption, kidnap or shooting, for example.

Content of the training:

  • Risk analysis and travel preparation: You learn to make a risk analysis of the travel destination. How do you align your behaviour with the local customs and the current situation? What preparations do you need to make?
  • Preparing a context analysis of your work area: Here we will focus on the local context of your area of work and learn to assess the specific risks of your stay. Together, we analyse where possibilities of conflict might arise between the local situation and your organisation’s mission. How will the local population respond when, for instance, you work for a Christian organization in a predominantly Islamic area?
  • Dealing with low levels of aggression and crime: Your learn how to deal with common ‘low levels’ of aggression and crime, such as a pushy taxi driver, a beggar or a tenacious street vendor. You will learn where your boundaries are and how to clearly communicate those boundaries, without aggravating the situation.
  • Dealing with high levels of aggression and crime: Here we teach you to deal with high aggressions levels and with violence, such an armed robbery and unexpected checkpoints. You learn to lower the level of risk in these high-risk situations, and how to adequately deescalate.
  • Dealing with medical emergencies: There is often little medical security in the areas where you travel, as doctors and hospitals can prove to scarce and the quality of medical could be lacking. What should you in a situation where urgent medical care is needed? How do you adequately respond to injuries caused by violence or a car accident? You will learn to stabilize injuries and stop bleeding according to a standard medical protocol.
  • The risks of ammunition, mines and weapons: You will learn to recognize the risks and dangers of firearms, ammunition and land mines. After the training, you will be able to recognize formal and informal warning signs. You will know what to do when encountering a mine, know the safe conduct around firearms, and will be able to deal with protective materials.
  • Dealing with hostage situations: Imagine you are being held hostage for a period of time (both short or long). How do you behave? You will learn about the various motives of hostage-takers and strategies to cope with the situation in the best way possible.

Day 1 from 09am till 09pm

Day 2 from 09am till 09pm

Day 3 from 09am till 05pm


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