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Female Traveler Training

Female Traveler Training table
Start date17 Jun 2021
End date17 Jun 2021
Time9:00 am CEST |3:00 AM EDT
Provider Forth Global
LocationDoorn, Netherlands
Type Personal, Security
CostEuro 408,- (including all materials , drinks, lunch and VAT)
Booking URLhttps://forthglobal.com/training/advanced-female-travellers-security-training-2/

The goal of this female specific international security training is to provide women with more knowledge, expertise and strong defensibility that are essential for females working or traveling abroad. This involves awareness, prevention and avoidance. What does it mean for a woman to go out and what is the travel advice?

With the help of a female trainer and male actors, experienced on the field of aggression and international business, the course will be working with role-plays, best practices and simulations during the entire training. Experience shows, in this field, practice is the best teacher.

After determining personal learning objectives, the following subjects will be dealt with:

  • Context & Risk analysis (concerning traveling alone or in a group, as a woman)
  • Travel advice & preparation
  • Tips & tricks and Do’s & Dont’s
  • Resilience, knowing how to set boundaries
  • Dealing with sexual harassment, sexual intimidation, sexual assault and aggression
  • Risk reduction strategies & aftercare

The course will mainly pay attention to your behaviour and your influence in different situations. The focus will be on working de-escalating and recognising situations and setting boundaries. No long presentations but learning through experience, sub skills and simulations.

Learning objectives:

  • Receiving tips & tricks and developing security awareness. Optimising your journey.
  • Gaining insights and learning how to consciously handle risks that occur when women go out / traveling abroad.
  • Being able to attentively react in case of sexual intimidation. No = No.
  • Being able to recognise and influence one’s own stress reaction.
  • Being able to adapt an adequate survival response in case of assault/rape.
  • Creating confidence
  • Gaining knowledge of aftercare and the recovery process.

The work is done in small groups with a maximum of 12 participants.

After the training you will receive a certificate of participation.

The focus is on learning by experience, 75% is practical content.



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