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Safe Driving level 1 & First Aid Training – Nairobi, Kenya

Safe Driving level 1 & First Aid Training – Nairobi, Kenya table
Start date23 Sep 2021
End date25 Sep 2021
Provider OTHER SOLUTIONS Consulting
LocationNairobi, Kenya
Type Security, First aid, Field Security
Cost750€ without vehicle / 700€ with vehicle
Booking URLhttps://othersolutions.net/training/open-sessions/

Training dates: 23, 24, 25 September 2021

This training has been developed by humanitarian specialists for humanitarian workers. It will enable participants to anticipate travel and better prepare for their trip at all levels (equipment, material, psychological and technical), to increase their knowledge and control of the vehicle as well as to manage emergency situations and apply first aid techniques.

The aim of this driving level 1 training is to provide organisations with high-quality participatory driving training for passengers and drivers. It aims to increase staff confidence in order to ensure better preparation, reduce the likelihood of incidents, while teaching controlled reactions to follow in the event of an incident. This course teaches you the steps and techniques for managing emergencies and life-threatening situations.

The course is based on 80% practice and 20% theory.

The key elements of driving in risk areas:

  • Vehicle preparation and general maintenance.
  • How to ensure the safety of staff/passengers.
  • Addresses the driver’s attitude to speeding, the use of mobile phones and equipment while driving.
  • Highlights the main threats.
  • Image that we send to the local population.
  • To teach the basics of defensive driving.
  • To practice emergency drills.
  • Reacting to crowds and demonstrations.
  • Reacting to a hostile incident.
  • Reacting to kidnapping, robbery and carjacking attempts.

The key elements of first aid:

This course teaches you the steps and techniques for dealing with life-threatening emergencies.

You will practice eight skills to help patients who may be in shock, in respiratory arrest, in cardiac arrest, with a spinal injury, or have severe bleeding. You will learn how to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and how to assess and monitor the patient’s condition to give them the best possible chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services to arrive.

This course also teaches you how to provide first aid to reduce pain and reduce the risk of worsening the patient’s condition. You will learn how to assess various injuries and illnesses and how to practice bandaging and splinting.

Upon completion of the training and successful completion of all modules, participants will receive 2 certificates:

  • Emergency First Response Certificate. (www.emergencyfirstresponse.com)
  • HPass Badge – OSC Driving Level 1

Audience: All humanitarian personnel who are required to take part in movements in vehicles and convoys, drivers and passengers.

The OSC team looks forward to seeing you in the field!

Price details:
750€ – without vehicle
700€ – with vehicle

20% discount for national NGOs (and other applicable reductions)



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