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With regular contributions from the GISF Secretariat and guest experts, the GISF Blog explores a range of topical, contextual and theoretical developments affecting the practice of humanitarian SRM.

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The why and how of good security risk management: GISF and DisasterReady WebTalks

Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, NGO Security Management

GISF has partnered with DisasterReady.org to launch two WebTalks on the why and how of good security risk management. Watch Gareth Owen from Save the Children UK speak about why security risk management is important for humanitarian programming, and Lisa Reilly from GISF talk about how to implement good security risk management.

15 Aug 2017

A glimpse into the March 2017 GISF Forum

Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

In this blog, Hélène Cardona shares key points from three of the March 2017 GISF Forum sessions: looking at an organisation’s responsibilities towards staff members, staff and their individual needs, and the much broader topic of international humanitarian law.

26 Jun 2017

Counter-Terrorist Financing and Humanitarian Security

Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

In this blog, Alex Marriage briefly outlines the security risks that aid workers can and have faced due to counter-terrorist financing (CTF) measures and goes on to describe the international mechanism through which CTF measures are developed and evaluated. Alex goes on to outline the recent changes to CTF recommendations and what this might mean for humanitarian NGOs.

5 Apr 2017

Women in Security

Gender, NGO Security Management

On International Women’s Day, GISF celebrates the role of women in NGO security risk management. The number of women working in security is by no means negligible nor are the contributions of women to the sector hard to discern. GISF has asked its network of female colleagues who work in NGO security risk management to share some of their experiences with us and the following blog is a reflection of what they have shared.

8 Mar 2017