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Central and South America

Partnerships and Security Risk Management: from the local partner’s perspective

This research paper complements GISF’s 2012 report Security Management and Capacity Development: International agencies working with local partners. This first analysis brought key insights into partnership dynamics, including strengths and weaknesses from the international NGO (INGO) perspective. The latest research…

15 Oct 2020 Resource

Abbott, Chris

Open Briefing is a unique not-for-profit service provider. We defend, strengthen and empower humanitarians and human rights defenders around the world by keeping them and…

8 Oct 2020 Affiliate

van ‘t Slot, Jacob

The core of our activities is Support, Train, response. Support in designing mature risk management that fits the specific organisation, pre-deployment training, such as HEAT,…

3 Jul 2020 Affiliate

Woodmansey, Ian

IGHW Consultancy Ltd. works with numerous NGOs and governments, providing security management and crisis management advice and training. Ian Woodmansey, the founder and Director of…

2 Jun 2020 Affiliate

Heizmann, Franziska

Safety and Security Risk Management, Crisis Management, Stress & Resilience, LSPs, consultancies & trainings (HEAT for one client, SSRM more often for all my clients).

7 Apr 2020 Affiliate

GISF Survey Extended

GISF has launched a global survey for its new research project Partnerships and Security Risk Management: From the local organisation perspective. The survey (available in Arabic, French, Spanish and English) is targeted at the personnel of local and national organisations, that have experience with partnerships with INGOs. It will be open until October 10th, 2019.

1 Oct 2019 News

Survey Responses Required for GISF Research Project

GISF is launching a global survey for its new research project Partnerships and Security Risk Management: From the local organisation perspective. The survey (available in Arabic, French, Spanish and English) is targeted at the personnel of local and national organisations, that have experience with partnerships with INGOs. It will be open until October 10th, 2019.

12 Sep 2019 News