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COVID-19: Government Measures Report

23 March 2020

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COVID-19: Government Measures Report

Beginning in January 2020, WHO has encouraged governments to reduce transmission of COVID-19. These efforts include active surveillance, detection, isolation and treatment, and contact tracing. This report maps the initial measures adopted by governments. It is a component of ACAPS’s broader effort to monitor the impact of the pandemic.

This report (2020) is based on publicly available data assembled by the ACAPS team through a wide scanning of information across the globe. It provides an initial analysis of the data. In order to share the information quickly, the analysis is descriptive and cannot yet be thorough. ACAPS presents these initial findings along with the data set. As resources will need to be carefully prioritised, they present a holistic analysis based on broad information. As information changes and data evolve and our analysis will deepen.

We are still in the early stages of the pandemic and ACAPS reports mainly on initial government policies. Rules and guidelines are changing daily. ACAPS anticipate providing an update to this report weekly.

acaps – COVID-19: Government measures worldwide


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