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Resources: Podcast

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      GISF podcast: What does a Global Security Advisor do?

      NGO Security Management

      In the third episode of the GISF in Conversation podcast series, Heather Hughes, Oxfam GB’s Global Security Advisor, speaks about what security risk management means to her organisation. She highlights the benefits and importance of security risk management and challenges perception…

      Podcast 2017 English GISF publication

      GISF Podcast: How do the humanitarian principles relate to security risk management?

      Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Local Action

      In this episode of the EISF in Conversation podcast series, we sat down with Eva Svoboda, a Senior Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute, to discuss the humanitarian principles and how they relate to security risk management. Eva speaks about the…

      Podcast 2017 English GISF publication

      GISF Podcast: How does security risk management enable access?

      NGO Security Management

      In the first EISF in Conversation podcast, Loretta Minghella OBE, CEO of Christian Aid, speaks about how security risk management enables access. She discusses good practice and goes on to explain how to embed security risk management in humanitarian programmes. Loretta also considers…

      Podcast 2017 English GISF publication

      GISF Podcast: First Series

      NGO Security Management

      The EISF in Conversation podcast was launched in September 2017. The podcast investigates different perspectives and aspects of humanitarian security risk management. The aim is to raise awareness of security risk management, encourage a better understanding of what security risk management can…

      Podcast, Other 2017 English GISF publication