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Context Analysis

Narco-Jihad: Drug trafficking and Security in Afghanistan and Pakistan

This 2009 co-written paper deals with drug-trafficking and security in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The topic is introduced by Peter Mandaville by a comprehensive forward. The first article deals with “The Drug Economy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Military Conflict in…

1 Dec 2009 Resource

The Niger Delta Crisis: issues, challenges and prospects

Researchers L.A. Afinotan and V. Ojakorotu deal in this paper (2009) with issues and prospects about Nigeria’s Niger Delta. Indeed, “Nigeria’s Niger Delta region is not only home to the greater part of Africa’s largest mangrove forest, but also the…

12 May 2009 Resource

Strategic Conflict Assessment: North Caucasus

This Strategic Conflict Assessment study (SCA), undertaken by Anton Ivanov (2009), contains an assessment of the current conflict and cooperation dynamics in the North Caucasus with a focus on developments in the region that have taken place since the previous…

1 Jan 2009 Resource

Challenges in Understanding and responding to crisis in urban contexts

This report by Paul McPhun and Elena Lucchi (2008) states that “there is now a growing international awareness that urbanization is becoming untenable, representing in some contexts a crisis that far outweighs the impact of ongoing conflict in remaining regions…

1 Mar 2008 Resource

Central America and Mexico gang assessment

The objectives of the Central America and Mexico Gang Assessment are to: (1) analyze the nature of gangs, their root causes, and other factors driving the phenomenon; (2) examine the transnational and regional aspects of gangs in Central America and…

1 Apr 2006 Resource