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Published: March 2, 2015

7-up risk survey

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The Institute of Risk Management undertook a detailed survey of the risk landscape in 2007-8 and has developed a new survey to see how risk management has evolved over the past seven year period. The previous survey was undertaken provided a good insight of the then current state, as well as some of the trends emerging.

The Institute of Risk Management innovation special interest group is now seeking views and insight as part of their ‘7-up risk survey’.

The Innovation SIG is keen to hear views from across the risk management community, both in the UK and internationally. This new survey can be completed by going to the link below and should only take 10 minutes to complete.

The output from the Survey will also be used to feed views into the proposed update of the International Risk Standard (‘ISO 31000’) that is scheduled for later in 2015.

To complete the survey please follow the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SIG2014Survey