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Published: July 8, 2019

At What Cost? GISF initiates new campaign on financial processes for safety and security

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Starting today, GISF will be carrying out a month-long campaign entitled At What Cost? that aims to raise awareness about issues with current financial processes for security risk management in aid and donor organisations. If security risk management is included in NGOs’ budgets, it is usually through the allocation of an arbitrary percentage of the programme budget or as an overhead. By employing these practices, organisations and donors fail to recognise differences in security between various operating contexts and risk falling short of their duty of care.

Rather than being treated as a general administrative cost, we advocate for safety and security risk management to be recognised as a justifiable function with its own budget lines. Over the coming weeks, GISF’s campaign will highlight various issues that affect beneficiaries, non-governmental and donor organisations.

To join the conversation on safety and security funding in the aid sector, use the hashtag AtWhatCost and follow our campaign at @eisf1 on Twitter. For more information on supporting the campaign, or to receive a campaign Tweet-sheet, contact eisf-ra@eisf.helpful.ws.