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Humanitarian Innovation Conference July 2015

GISF will be taking part in the 2015 Humanitarian Innovation Conference, held by the Humanitarian Innovation Project, in partnership with the World Humanitarian Summit, in Oxford on 17 and 18 July 2015

18 Jun 2015 News

GISF May Update

Are you looking for a new security advisor role? Searching for personal security training or a course in security risk management? Look no further this May - take a look at this month's roundup here.

28 May 2015 News

April Update

Take a look at Ruth's monthly roundup of humanitarian security vacancies and trainings, as well as GISF news.

22 Apr 2015 News

GISF in the News

Matt Brimble of Raleigh International contributed to a recent Guardian article entitled Before you travel: pointers for new NGOs. In the article he highlights that GISF is a useful source of information for NGO security management. Read the full article and find more useful tips for first time travellers of new NGOs.

10 Apr 2015 News

GISF Workshop – Humanitarian Access Negotiation Skills

Many thanks to those who joined us for the Humanitarian Access Negotiation Skills workshop which took place in Paris on Monday 30th March. Joe Belliveau of Conflict Dynamics International facilitated an interesting and dynamic workshop, relating the 'Humanitarian Access in Situations of Armed Conflict: Handbook on the International Normative Framework' to practical examples of negotiations in the field. Please take a look at the workshop outline and the evaluation results for more information on the modules addressed during the workshop.

1 Apr 2015 News

7-up risk survey

The Institute of Risk Management undertook a detailed survey of the risk landscape in 2007-8 and has developed a new survey to see how risk management has evolved over the past seven year period. The previous survey was undertaken provided a good insight of the then current state, as well as some of the trends emerging. The Institute of Risk Management innovation special interest group is now seeking views and insight as part of their '7-up risk survey'.

2 Mar 2015 News

2014: Year Highlights

2014 was a busy, challenging year. We published six new papers and guides in three different languages, and organised our first two public events to raise awareness of humanitarian security for more sustainable access to affected communities. We launched a new knowledge hub on communications technology and security risk management, and brought together 17 authors for a publication that was endorsed by leading researchers in the humanitarian community. The webinar that launched this project, produced jointly with DisasterReady, was followed online by almost 80 people across the globe.

19 Jan 2015 News

UK Overseas Business Risk Joint Advisory Group seeks feedback

The UK Overseas Business Risk Joint Advisory Group is seeking feedback on their OBR country and thematic pages and the Political and Economic updates section of their website. UK-based NGOs are encouraged to participate - read on for further information!

16 Jan 2015 News