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Published: December 18, 2020

GISF at Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) Careers in Humanitarianism Day | 12 February 2021

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The Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at Manchester University has invited GISF to participate in the Annual Careers Day on 12th February 2021 introducing students (and beyond) to a variety of humanitarian professions and organisations.

The event will be virtual, hence a virtual exhibition made up of short video clips of individuals speaking about their career and offering advice. Both the GISF Secretariat and GISF members will be participating in this segment if the event by providing short video clips. Additionally, GISF’s Executive Director, Lisa Reilly, is invited to speak during a live panel session on Mental health and Humanitarianism. Lisa will focus her remarks on mental health of humanitarian staff, including but beyond security professionals alone.

If you would like to find out more about having GISF at your school’s University Careers Day or related, don’t hesitate to find out more information to gisf-info@gisf.ngo