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Published: July 30, 2020

A note from GISF’s Director on ‘Strategic Leadership for Humanitarian Security’

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COVID-19 has had a major impact on most of us over the last few months, as we struggle to travel and training courses are cancelled. However, it is also providing us with some new opportunities.

In August, the IE Business School in Madrid were due to run the third ‘Strategic Leadership for Humanitarian Security’ programme. Because of the pandemic, this has now been moved online.

The four topics of Strategy, Negotiation Skills, Finance and Leadership will be taught over a 4-week period via 3-hour sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings (CEST), beginning Monday 31st August. The Industry Day component will be developed with participants and GISF.

Registration for the course is open until Thursday 20th August. If you would like more information, please visit the event listing or contact me on gisf-director@gisf.ngo.

Lisa Reilly

Executive Director, GISF