Humanitarian Action in Fragile Contexts: New Actors in the Humanitarian Space
will take place today (Tuesday 8 July)
from 17:30 to 19:00
at King’s College London, Nash Lecture Theatre (Room K 2.31), Strand Campus, WC2R 2LS
Refreshments will not be provided at the venue but we will continue the conversation at Tom’s Kitchen Terrace, Somerset House
and on Twitter @EISF1
#HumanitarianSpace in #FragileContext
World Humanitarian Day and ‘Aid in Danger’: a hard-look at violence against aid workers
The aid sector will be ‘celebrating’ the World Humanitarian Day with four level 3 emergencies. On a day that commemorates the bombing of the Canal Hotel in Baghdad we should be asking ourselves, do we need more humanitarian heroes, or do we need better responses (and better security-managed assistance) to…
New Briefing Paper: Security Risk Management and Religion
GISF new briefing paper Security Risk Management and Religion: Faith and secularism in humanitarian assistance examines the impact that religion has on security risk management for humanitarian agencies, and considers whether a better understanding of religion can improve the security of organisations and individuals in the field.
Event report: humanitarian action in fragile contexts
On Tuesday 8th July representatives from academia, INGOs, the private sector, journalists and other interested parties gathered at King’s College London to discuss key issues around new actors and the changing humanitarian space and how they will impact on security risk management (SRM). The focal point of the evening was…