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Published: October 21, 2014

GISF – Impact of Counter-terrorism Legislation on Humanitarian Operations and Security Risk Management Webcast

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Counter-terrorism measures introduced by governments and international regimes post-2001 have had a significant impact on NGO operations and security risk management.

Are there simple steps which NGOs can take at programme or field level to ensure they are not prosecuted under the relevant legislation? Is supplying information as required by wither the legislation or donor counterterrorism measures contrary to EU data protection law?

In this GISF webcast, Naz Modirzadeh, (Senior Fellow, HLS-Brookings Project on Law and Security, Counterterrorism and Humanitarian Engagement project at Harvard Law School), addresses these questions. She also deals with further practical implications of counter-terrorism measures, with a particular focus on the impact for those involved in security risk management for NGOs.

The files are available to download in both movie (.mov) and audio-only (.mp3) formats. There is a complete webcast available, as well as bite-size snippets which include an introduction to the relevant legislation and pertinent questions from GISF Members.


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