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Published: August 11, 2014

Launch of the book ‘Aid in Danger’ – Tuesday 19 August, ODI

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Aid in danger: violence against aid workers and the future of humanitarianism

19 August 2014, 14:00-15:30 – Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 203 Blackfriars Rd, SE1 8NJ London

You can register here to and attend either in person or online.

Aid in Danger book cover


EISF and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) are pleased to invite you to the launch of ‘Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism‘ by Larissa Fast—a hard look at violent attacks against aid workers on the frontlines of humanitarian crises.

Based on more than a decade of research documenting and analysing attacks and killings of aid workers on the frontlines of humanitarian crises, the book looks at the causes of violence against aid workers, and reveals how many of the security methods aid agencies use to protect themselves against attacks have proven to undermine humanitarian efforts.

Speakers will address these and other questions:

  • Are attacks against humanitarians a new phenomenon? Is delivering humanitarian aid more dangerous since 9/11?
  • What are the causes for violence against humanitarian workers? Are these new trends?
  • Are aid agencies responding to insecurity? What are the security risk management measures aid agencies are taking and are they working?

The event will be chaired by BBC World Affairs Correspondent Mike Wooldridge, and the discussion will see first-hand accounts from:

  • Larissa Fast – Author and Assistant Professor, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame
  • Sara Pantuliano – Director, Humanitarian Policy Group, ODI
  • Rae McGrath – Mission Director, Mercy Corps Syria
  • Sarah Cotton – Public Affairs and Communications Advisor, ICRC

Books will be available for purchase at the venue. The event will be followed by an informal reception and precede the inaugural National Memorial for Humanitarian Aid Workers, to be held at Westminster Abbey at 5 pm.

Follow #AidinDanger on Twitter for live coverage.


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