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Guide to selecting appropriate Crisis Management Insurance

This guidance document (2017) was developed by Harry Linnell who is a Crisis Management Insurance Broker at RKH Specialty. It provides guidance to NGOs on the questions to consider before taking out crisis management insurance.

15 Mar 2017 Resource

Women in Security

On International Women’s Day, GISF celebrates the role of women in NGO security risk management. The number of women working in security is by no means negligible nor are the contributions of women to the sector hard to discern. GISF has asked its network of female colleagues who work in NGO security risk management to share some of their experiences with us and the following blog is a reflection of what they have shared.

8 Mar 2017 Blog

Why should we address sexual violence in humanitarian workplaces?

As a study by Report the Abuse shows, only 16% of humanitarian organisations have even a single mention of sexual violence as a risk to their employees within their organisation’s policy and procedural documents, let alone a comprehensive, sensitive or survivor-centred response mechanism. Megan Nobert, Founder and Director of Report the Abuse, discusses the gaps in the humanitarian sector in addressing sexual violence against aid workers and urges humanitarian organisations to take action and put in place effective and efficient prevention and response strategies for their staff.

3 Mar 2017 Blog

The UK NGO Security Focal Point Group

Overview The UK Security Focal Point Group is a group of UK-based staff, who in their role act wholly or partially as the Security Focal Point for their organisation. The Group first met in February 2015 as an initiative encouraged…

22 Feb 2017 Resource

Overview of the Spanish Security Working Group – Coordinadora

In Spain, there is an NGO Coordination forum called the ‘Coordinadora’ (https://coordinadoraongd.org/). Within the Coordinadora there is a Security Working Group composed of various humanitarian and development organisations existing in Spain. The Security Working Group was created in 2014 and its…

22 Feb 2017 Resource

Coordinadora Grupo de Trabajo de Seguridad en España

En España, existe un foro de coordinación de ONG llamado la Coordinadora (https://coordinadoraongd.org/). Dentro de la Coordinadora, hay un Grupo de Trabajo de Seguridad compuesto por varias ONG que es representativo de la variedad de las organizaciones humanitarias y de…

22 Feb 2017 Resource

Zimbabwe: A Crisis Unfolding

Zimbabwe is facing an imminent crisis that will require an international humanitarian response in the near to medium-term future, with appropriate security measures for humanitarian workers. Former GISF Coordinator, Nick Hanson-James, takes a closer look at the Zimbabwean context and issues NGOs should aim to be aware of and prepared for given the current climate in the country.

16 Feb 2017 Blog

Zimbabwe: A Crisis Unfolding

Zimbabwe is facing an imminent crisis that will require an international humanitarian response in the near to medium-term future, with appropriate security measures for humanitarian workers. Former GISF Coordinator, Nick Hanson-James, takes a closer look at the Zimbabwean context and issues NGOs should aim to be aware of and prepared for given the current climate in the country.

16 Feb 2017 News