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Published: June 14, 2022

GISF Upcoming Panama Events

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GISF is pleased to share three upcoming events slated to take place in Panama City, Panama during the last week of July.

The first event is a workshop on Managing Sexual Violence. The second is a workshop on Partnerships and Security Risk Management, and is open to INGOs and LNGOS, including those that may already be partnered. The third event will be a Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Security Meeting, which will be primarily aimed at those who have regional responsibilities in LAC.

If you may not be the best placed for these upcoming events, we hope that you might disseminate this to relevant colleagues within your member organisation. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

Upcoming GISF Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) region events in Panama
Additional details about these events will be regularly updated on the website and mattermost

Managing Sexual Violence Workshop (Spanish) | 26 July
Click here for full description and to register

Partnerships and Security Risk Management Workshop (Spanish) | 27 July
Click here for full description and to register

LAC Regional Security Meeting (English with possible translation for Spanish) | 28 July
Click here for full description and to register

Before confirmation of registration, we may ask for additional information regarding the participants’ role to ensure we have the right participants. Please be advised GISF members will receive priority, but interested parties should register their interest.

For questions, please contact gisf-americas@gisf.ngo