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TESS + Project Communications | UN & SLT Coordination

During a recent SLT & UN/NGO Coordination Webinar, WFP presented the latest updates to the TESS+ Program. The resources provided here are from the {TESS+} Online Public Repository. ‘The collaborative Telecommunications Security Standards (TESS) initiative aims to provide the right…

7 Sep 2021 Resource

Travel Risk Management: Getting ready for ISO31030

International Location Safety (ILS) have recently published a blog about ‘Travel Risk Management: Getting ready for ISO31030’, which you can find below. Details of their introductory webinar are also linked at the bottom of this page. What is ISO31030? In…

24 Aug 2021 Resource

Saving Lives Together (SLT): FAQs | French

Saving Lives Together (Sauver des Vies Ensemble, SLT) est une initiative visant à renforcer la collaboration en matière de sécurité entre le Système de Gestion de la Sécurité des Nations Unies (UNSMS), les organisations non gouvernementales internationales (ONGI) et les…

23 Aug 2021 Resource

Saving Lives Together (SLT): FAQs | Spanish

Saving Lives Together (Salvar Vidas Juntos, SLT) es una iniciativa para mejorar la colaboración en materia de seguridad entre el Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (UNSMS), las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales Internacionales (ONGI) y las Organizaciones…

23 Aug 2021 Resource

Saving Lives Together (SLT): FAQs

Saving Lives Together (SLT) is an initiative to enhance security collaboration between the UN Security Management System (UNSMS), International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) and International Organisations (IOs). It recognises the existence of collectively experienced security threats and the importance of collaboration to support…

9 Aug 2021 Resource

HNPW | A Person-Centred Approach to Security Risk Management | Resources

Humanitarian/development organisations have a duty of care to take all reasonable measures to protect their staff from foreseeable risks, including those that emerge due a staff member’s personal profile. Part of organisations’ duty of care obligations is to ensure that…

28 Apr 2021 Resource

Conducting Safe Monitoring Visits | Tip Sheet

This short guidance provides a quick reference for organisations planning and undertaking project monitoring visits to ensure that visits are conducted in a safe and ethical way, addressing safeguarding best practices. The tip sheet provides a list of key areas…

27 Apr 2021 Resource