EISF is launching a global survey for its new research project Partnerships and Security Risk Management: From the local organisation perspective. The survey is targeted at the personnel of local and national organisations, that have experience with partnerships with INGOs. It will be open until October 10th, 2019.
The aim of the research study is to explore and present, in accordance with the needs identified by local and national organisations, the most effective ways for international aid organisations to engage in security discussions, coordination, arrangements and capacity building to effectively support local and national partner organisations’ capacity to identify and manage security risks.
See the English, French, Spanish and Arabic versions of the survey in ‘downloads’ below.
Veuillez voir plus bas les traductions en français, anglais, espagnol et arabe.
.الترجمة العربية بالأسفل
Ver traducción al español, francés, árabe e inglés mas abajo.
If you would like to contribute to the research, please share this survey with others in your organisation or network who would have an informed view of challenges around partnerships and/or security risks and how they can be mitigated. Translated email templates with survey links and a brief introduction to the research are available below.
An interactive flyer has also been included below, which can be printed and displayed in offices.