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Image & Acceptance – Artefacts of Culture

 In this Red R ‘taking point’ video Prof Andrew Brown, Nottingham University Business School, discusses the artefacts of culture and image. He talks about the importance of being aware of the message an organisation’s assets such as buildings and vehicles…

25 Jan 2021 Resource

Security to go: a risk management toolkit for humanitarian aid agencies

Security to go: a risk management toolkit for humanitarian aid agencies (2020) is intended to provide a simple, easy-to-use guide for non-security experts to quickly set up basic safety, security and risk management systems in new contexts or rapid onset emergency…

2 Nov 2020 Resource

Acceptance webinar recording now available

This GISF webinar, which took place on Thursday 23rd July, looked back at the framing of acceptance as a security management approach, how acceptance is…

13 Aug 2020 News

GISF Webinar, Acceptance: past, present and future

This GISF webinar, which took place on Thursday 23rd July, looked back at the framing of acceptance as a security management approach, how acceptance is used today and opportunities for the future. Speakers: Dr Larissa Fast of the University of…

13 Aug 2020 Resource