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Context Analysis

Latest Newsletter Available 13/12/22

This newsletter includes information about our upcoming event, Interpol’s Project Soteria: combatting abuse and exploitation in the aid sector. You can also find out more about…

15 Dec 2022 News

South Asia: outlook for civil unrest in 2023

Dragonfly has released its 2023 outlook for civil unrest in South Asia, examining potential triggers and impacts for those operating in the region. You can find the report here.

29 Nov 2022 Resource

GISF Compounding Crises Podcast Series

GISF’s Compounding Crises podcast series unpacks just some of the issues impacting humanitarian SRM (from COVID-19 and beyond) and offers insights from security professionals. Conversations explore the interlinked risks that face the sector, including: partnerships in crisis, digital security in the…

18 Nov 2022 Resource

GISF Publications Catalogue

GISF Publications GISF Briefing Papers and Reports GISF Briefing Papers and Reports investigate some of the key conceptual issues facing NGOs and security risk managers in humanitarian operations. The papers aim to consolidate theory in practice; many contain practical tools…

26 Sep 2022 Resource

Ukraine: Humanitarian access constraints at the oblast level

This report provides an oblast-level analysis of access constraints in Ukraine to inform humanitarian responders and provide a comparison of access dynamics across different oblasts. This analysis is based on a severity model developed by ACAPS using the internal data…

30 Aug 2022 Resource

A Helping Hand Has No Geopolitical Allegiance

An article, written by Nicholas Kerastas and published by NetHope, focused on the neutural stance Humanitarians must take when it comes to delivering aid. You can find the article here.  

25 Jul 2022 Resource