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Happy International Women’s Day from GISF

This International Women’s Day, GISF is celebrating the courageous women who have, in the past year, brought much-needed attention to safeguarding and sexual violence issues within the aid sector. 

8 Mar 2019 News

‘Safeguarding’ as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping

“Suddenly, talk of ‘safeguarding’ and a sector-wide ‘safeguarding crisis’ seems to be everywhere. Grappling with the scope and content of ‘safeguarding’ as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the framing of safeguarding as a buzzword: about…

21 Feb 2019 Resource

How can Humanitarian Organisations Encourage More Women in Surge?

Surge capacity is defined as the ability to scale-up (and down) resources smoothly and quickly, including getting the right people to the right places doing the right things in the shortest amount of time possible. The majority of humanitarian responses…

13 Feb 2019 Resource

The Tough Stuff: Managing Menstruation

The Tough Stuff (2018) is a series of guidance notes put out by CARE Canada’s Safety and Security Unit that addresses some of the uncomfortable and important safety and security issues facing our staff. This document covers both organisational measures…

24 Jan 2019 Resource

Eight Principles for Building Trust Through Feedback

This paper (2018) has been put together by the Bond Feedback and Accountability Learning Group (FALG) and sets out best practice principles for developing an accountable feedback mechanism capable of building a safe environment in which safeguarding concerns, within the…

22 Jan 2019 Resource

Managing the Security of Aid Workers with Diverse Profiles

An aid worker’s personal security is impacted by the interplay between where the aid worker is, who they are, and their role and organisation. As employers, aid organisations have a duty of care to take all reasonable measures to protect…

20 Sep 2018 Resource

Digital Security of LGBTQI Aid Workers: Awareness and Response

As the world becomes increasingly connected and more of our lives are recorded, accessed and processed digitally, the nature of threats and personal risks changes. Digital security threats on their own can have a range of consequences to a person’s…

15 Dec 2017 Resource