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Evaluating Ebola: the politics of the military response narrative

In her op-ed, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik suggests that humanitarians must pay keen attention to the post-Ebola narrative of military victory that is currently emerging. To see the deployment of military personnel, strategies and tactics as the game changer is unfair, because it invisibilises the resilience of the nationals of Ebola affected countries, as well as the efforts of local health workers and (some) humanitarians to address and control the outbreak. However, this narrative also has important strategic consequences for patterns of funding and intervention in future health emergencies.

16 Mar 2015 Blog

Office Opening: A guide for non-governmental organisations

A well-planned and transparent approach to opening an office will mitigate many of the risks involved. The process is not linear and every situation will have different requirements. However, by applying a logical and organised process, setting up an office…

12 Mar 2015 Resource

The psychology of extreme behaviour

This document (2015) features an analysis of the psychology of extreme behaviour by Dr Luc De Keyser. The relativity of ‘extreme’, the absolute ‘extreme’, the ‘true-believer’ syndrome redefined and applying principles to policy are featured in the document.

3 Mar 2015 Resource

7-up risk survey

The Institute of Risk Management undertook a detailed survey of the risk landscape in 2007-8 and has developed a new survey to see how risk management has evolved over the past seven year period. The previous survey was undertaken provided a good insight of the then current state, as well as some of the trends emerging. The Institute of Risk Management innovation special interest group is now seeking views and insight as part of their '7-up risk survey'.

2 Mar 2015 News

Hostage taking: new tool for media impact

Kidnapping and the consequent use of hostages is hardly a new method for terrorist organisations to express their defiance towards enemy states, or even hostile home states. What differentiates current hostage situations from those of the past is the way in which they have been adapted to today’s information society. It seems that terrorist groups have found a new use for hostages: propaganda.

23 Feb 2015 Blog

Planning for uncertainty: Nigeria’s elections

Nigeria’s power dynamics are more complex than the north/south, Christian/Muslim, rich/poor dichotomies often presented. Whoever wins the election there are multiple competing scenarios that may emerge and NGOs cannot map, let alone plan for, all of them. When confronted by an array of threats, most of which you have limited to no influence over, one solution is to do the routine things well and focus on your capacity to react.

9 Feb 2015 Blog