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Counter-terrorism Legislation and NGO Security Risk Management

Acceptance, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

In November, GISF attended a two-part expert roundtable at Chatham House that discussed the challenges NGOs face when working with non-state armed groups, in particular given the impact of counter-terrorism legislation. This is a brief summary of the key points raised and some of the implications counter-terrorism legislation has on the security risk management of NGOs.

22 Dec 2016

Reclaiming Humanity for Humanitarian Security Risk Management

NGO Security Management

This post discusses Larissa Fast’s book ‘Aid in Danger’ and how some of the ideas in the book can be applied to humanitarian security risk management. In her blog, Christina Wille, primarily argues that the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence are not a magic shield capable of protecting aid workers because humanitarian agencies are actors within and not separate from the contexts in which they work. Wille also argues that security incidents are not only the result of external factors affecting humanitarian agencies but that factors resulting from internal agency policy and staff behaviour also impact aid worker security. Good security risk management means taking into consideration internal factors as well as external ones.

8 Sep 2016

GISF Publications | GISF Forum September 2016

NGO Security Management

If you are attending the Forum and would like a hard copy of a specific GISF guide or paper, please let Adelicia know at eisf-research@eisf.helpful.ws.

30 Aug 2016

Agenda | GISF Forum September 2016

NGO Security Management

The GISF is pleased to share the preliminary agenda for the next GISF Forum taking place in September, 2016.

8 Aug 2016

Aid Worker Security and Wellbeing at the World Humanitarian Summit

NGO Security Management

GISF, InterHealth Worldwide and International Location Safety have an exhibition stand at WHS, focused on initiatives to improve aid worker security and wellbeing. If you are going to the Summit we would love to see you there - we are at Stand 37 in B5 of the Lutfi Kirdar International Convention & Exhibition Centre. Don't forget to tweet to us via @GISF1 using #AidSecurity and #protectaidworkers.

22 May 2016

Security and Humanitarian work in Pakistan: Was 2015 a Turning Point?

Context Analysis

In the past decade, many areas of Pakistan have endured a high level of insecurity. There are no set patterns to the violence, which has varied from attacks on law enforcement agencies and schools to sectarian violence and the targeting of medical professionals engaged in polio vaccination programmes. Regardless of the types and motives of these attacks, the civilian population have paid a high price. Agence France Presse state that by 2014, nearly 7,000 people had been killed in militant attacks in Pakistan since the emergence of the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) in 2007.

18 Apr 2016

GISF Webinar | Security Risk Management And Aid Worker Wellbeing

Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety

How is staff wellbeing and resilience relevant to NGO security risk management? What are the practical strategies that security managers can use to champion wellbeing within their organisation? In this GISF webinar, Lynne Cripe Ph.D, Director of Resilience Services with the KonTerra Group, will discuss how a focus on wellbeing and resilience can help staff living and working in high stress environments. Sign up for this webinar taking place on Friday 26th February at 12:00GMT. Don't forget to submit your questions on the registration page!

17 Feb 2016

Welcome to Rachel Douglas!

NGO Security Management

A warm welcome to Rachel Douglas who has commenced her Research and Projects Assistant internship with GISF! Rachel graduated from the University of Leeds in 2015 with a BA (International) Honours in Politics. Due to a passion for travelling and avoiding British winters, she elected to study abroad in Guadalajara, Mexico for a year to learn Spanish and experience total immersion in a foreign culture. Since completing her undergraduate degree, Rachel has interned at the Terrorism and Political Violence Association and is also a Researcher and Project Officer at the think tank Project for Study of the 21st Century (PS21).

15 Jan 2016