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People management and security risk management

Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management, Policy Guidance, Safety

People management has a direct impact on security risk management. This module, developed by Christine Williamson, takes a closer look at the employee cycle and identifies the practices in people management which carry an obligation or risk. This module demonstrates that the best solution for good people management integrates security risk management with all stages of the employee cycle.

28 Mar 2017

Zimbabwe: A Crisis Unfolding

Context Analysis, NGO Security Management

Zimbabwe is facing an imminent crisis that will require an international humanitarian response in the near to medium-term future, with appropriate security measures for humanitarian workers. Former GISF Coordinator, Nick Hanson-James, takes a closer look at the Zimbabwean context and issues NGOs should aim to be aware of and prepared for given the current climate in the country.

16 Feb 2017

GISF seeking examples of the impact of counter-terrorism legislation on aid worker security

Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

NGOs have repeatedly raised concerns about the consequences of counter-terrorism legislation on their ability to deliver critical humanitarian aid. In order to assist the NGO community, a number of bodies are seeking case studies and examples to provide an evidence base to illustrate these concerns. GISF are currently seeking examples from INGOs about the impact that this legislation has had on humanitarian aid work, particularly on the security of aid workers and programmes (including beneficiaries).

24 Jan 2017

GISF Article on Security Information Sharing Technology

NGO Security Management

GISF is seeking information from NGOs on the technology they use to share security-related information with staff, particularly those that use online systems. This input will be used to inform an article summarising these technologies to be published in the GISF Communications Technology Hub. If your organisation is willing to share their experiences, please get in contact with Adelicia (eisf-research@eisf.helpful.ws).

10 Jan 2017

Counter-terrorism Legislation and NGO Security Risk Management

Acceptance, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

In November, GISF attended a two-part expert roundtable at Chatham House that discussed the challenges NGOs face when working with non-state armed groups, in particular given the impact of counter-terrorism legislation. This is a brief summary of the key points raised and some of the implications counter-terrorism legislation has on the security risk management of NGOs.

22 Dec 2016

Reclaiming Humanity for Humanitarian Security Risk Management

NGO Security Management

This post discusses Larissa Fast’s book ‘Aid in Danger’ and how some of the ideas in the book can be applied to humanitarian security risk management. In her blog, Christina Wille, primarily argues that the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence are not a magic shield capable of protecting aid workers because humanitarian agencies are actors within and not separate from the contexts in which they work. Wille also argues that security incidents are not only the result of external factors affecting humanitarian agencies but that factors resulting from internal agency policy and staff behaviour also impact aid worker security. Good security risk management means taking into consideration internal factors as well as external ones.

8 Sep 2016