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2014: Year Highlights

NGO Security Management

2014 was a busy, challenging year. We published six new papers and guides in three different languages, and organised our first two public events to raise awareness of humanitarian security for more sustainable access to affected communities. We launched a new knowledge hub on communications technology and security risk management, and brought together 17 authors for a publication that was endorsed by leading researchers in the humanitarian community. The webinar that launched this project, produced jointly with DisasterReady, was followed online by almost 80 people across the globe.

19 Jan 2015

UK Overseas Business Risk Joint Advisory Group seeks feedback

Context Analysis

The UK Overseas Business Risk Joint Advisory Group is seeking feedback on their OBR country and thematic pages and the Political and Economic updates section of their website. UK-based NGOs are encouraged to participate - read on for further information!

16 Jan 2015

Have you listened to our webinar on communications technology, security risk management and humanitarian delivery?

Equipment, Humanitarian Programmatic Issues, Legal Obligations, NGO Security Management

GISF teamed up with DisasterReady.org to host a webinar entitled ‘Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management’. The webinar launches GISF’s new paper of the same title, and features engaging discussion on opportunities and challenges of communications technology in humanitarian delivery from Imogen Wall (the paper’s co-editor) and Rory Byrne (Founder and CEO of Security First).

18 Dec 2014

Event Report: Tackling Humanitarian Crises in Time: Lessons from the West Africa Ebola Responses

NGO Security Management, Safety

Read the latest GISF event report: Tackling Humanitarian Crises in Time: Lessons from the West Africa Ebola Responses. Key points and issues pertinent to security risk management from the address given by Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House on the 11th December 2014.

15 Dec 2014

Want to know what our researcher, Raquel, has been working on recently?

NGO Security Management

Take a look at the November research update to find out more! Read about the The Aid Security Monthly News Brief and the Communications Technology Knowledge Hub, as well as the Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management paper which has recently been released.

8 Dec 2014

GISF Webinar | The Impact of Counter-terrorism Legislation on Humanitarian Operations and Security Risk Management

NGO Security Management

Counter-terrorism measures introduced by governments and international regimes post-2001 have had a significant impact on NGO operations and security risk management. In this GISF webcast, Naz Modirzadeh, (Senior Fellow, HLS-Brookings Project on Law and Security, Counter-terrorism and Humanitarian Engagement project at Harvard Law School), addresses the practical implications of counter-terrorism measures on security risk management.

20 Nov 2014