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GISF Webinar | The Impact of Counter-terrorism Legislation on Humanitarian Operations and Security Risk Management

NGO Security Management

Counter-terrorism measures introduced by governments and international regimes post-2001 have had a significant impact on NGO operations and security risk management. In this GISF webcast, Naz Modirzadeh, (Senior Fellow, HLS-Brookings Project on Law and Security, Counter-terrorism and Humanitarian Engagement project at Harvard Law School), addresses the practical implications of counter-terrorism measures on security risk management.

20 Nov 2014

Humanitarians Under Attack: Delivering Aid in Insecure Settings

NGO Security Management

GISF's Executive Coordinator, Lisa Reilly, will participate in the ATHA podcast Humanitarians Under Attack: Delivering Aid in Insecure Settings on Thursday 20th November, 3pm GMT. Click here to register for this interesting event, which also features expert commentators Phil Candy (RedR), Adele Harmer (Humanitarian Outcomes), Sean Healy (MSF UK), AND Pascal Porchet (ICRC).

19 Nov 2014

New GISF publication on communications technology and security risk management

NGO Security Management

Communications Technology and Humanitarian Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management is a new publication by GISF that brings together 17 authors. The 11 articles contained in this publication are dispatches from a new frontline in humanitarian action: the digital frontier.

20 Oct 2014

New Website almost live….


The brand-spanking new GISF website is almost ready to go live! Please give us your feedback by completing this short survey. Your comments will influence how the site looks and how you find the information you need.

2 Sep 2014