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Humanitarian Resistance: its ethical and operational importance

Image for Humanitarian Resistance: its ethical and operational importance
29 November 2022
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Humanitarian Resistance: its ethical and operational importance

This paper by Hugo Slim explores how resistance humanitarianism can contribute to efforts to tackle humanitarian crises.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the return of military dictatorship in Myanmar have reminded the world of the importance of humanitarian resistance. In both countries, civilian rescue and relief is being organised by resistance groups that are struggling for victory and humanity in equal measure, and so simultaneously taking sides for human life and human freedom. They are not neutral but they are humanitarian. In many situations, resistance humanitarians are reaching people faster and better than orthodox humanitarians from neutral international agencies.


The Big Picture: geopolitical trends driving humanitarian security challenges (Part 1)

The risk of big warfare, the return to a multipolar world and rising authoritarianism can pose challenges for humanitarian operations. In this blog, based on Hugo Slim’s keynote speech at the 2021 HNPW session: ‘SRM in the Changing Global and Humanitarian Context’, he explores the geopolitical trends driving the humanitarian security challenges of today and tomorrow.

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The Big Picture: geopolitical trends driving humanitarian security challenges (Part 2)

Humanitarian space is constantly being negotiated, and today's security managers are having to make ethical considerations as they work to keep aid workers safe. In part two of this blog series, based on Hugo Slim's keynote speech at the 2021 HNPW session: 'SRM in the Changing Global and Humanitarian Context', Slim explores the evolution of the humanitarian footprint, and the ethics of security risk management.

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