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Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Myanmar

This document reports on the recent violence against or obstruction of health care in Myanmar.


Aid in Danger Bi-Monthly News Brief

A bi-monthly digest of open source reported events that affect the delivery of aid. It covers reported events where staff were hurt or threatened, events where infrastructure was damaged, stolen or interfered with and contexts where access was hindered by the security context or deliberate action. Compiled by Insecurity Insight and available since October 2014.


Insecurity Insight: Aid in Danger Digests

Insecurity Insight runs independent projects and assists partners in gathering data or making better use of existing data. Insecurity Insight run the Aid in Danger project.


About Insecurity Insight and Aid in Danger

Insecurity Insight is a team of experts who apply an innovative method for generating data on the impact of insecurity on people's lives and wellbeing. Insecurity Insight runs independent projects and assists partners in gathering data or making better use of existing data. Insecurity Insight run the Aid in Danger project.