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The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios

The scenarios in this paper demonstrate that even a contained outbreak could significantly impact the global economy in the short run. These scenarios demonstrate the scale of costs that might be avoided by greater investment in public health systems in…

16 Mar 2020 Resource

Securing aid worker safety through effective budgeting

Over the summer of 2019, the European Interagency Security Forum (GISF) has been lobbying aid and donor organisations around the world. Aimed at improving the budgeting processes for aid worker safety and security, the ‘At What Cost?’ movement gained traction…

2 Dec 2019 Resource

How Sexual Misconduct Threatens the Security Industry

This article by Julie Anne Friend (2018) explores the under-discussed phenomenon of sexual misconduct in the security industry. The author discusses personal experiences and the experiences of others, and suggests specific ways in which the security sector can work together…

23 Jul 2019 Resource

Safeguarding Aid Workers

Considerable attention in the aid world and media is currently directed at the concept of safeguarding. Although the word has mostly been used in reference to the safeguarding of beneficiaries, in this article (2019), Megan Nobert explores the safeguarding of…

10 Apr 2019 Resource

Diversity in Risk

In this article (2019) for the Travel Risk Review, Adelicia Fairbanks, Research Advisor at GISF, discusses the changing makeup of aid organisations and associated shifts in risk profiles. You can download the article via the link below. The full Travel…

26 Mar 2019 Resource

‘Safeguarding’ as humanitarian buzzword: an initial scoping

“Suddenly, talk of ‘safeguarding’ and a sector-wide ‘safeguarding crisis’ seems to be everywhere. Grappling with the scope and content of ‘safeguarding’ as a parameter of humanitarian practice, this commentary asks questions about the framing of safeguarding as a buzzword: about…

21 Feb 2019 Resource

Trends in Intelligence Gathering by Governments

In October 2014, the European Interagency Security Forum (EISF) launched a knowledge hub on communications technology and security risk management. The first publication of this project brought together 17 authors who analysed in 11 articles how communications technology is changing…

9 May 2018 Resource