Air Safety Guide
A guide to airline safety to minimise risk for staff when flying.
A guide to airline safety to minimise risk for staff when flying.
Les agences humanitaires ont des obligations de sécurité envers leur personnel, communément désignées par l’expression anglaise « duty of care », au titre desquelles elles se doivent de répondre aux incidents de violence sexuelle visant leurs employés. La violence sexuelle,…
Las agencias humanitarias tienen el deber de cuidado de responder ante incidentes de violencia sexual contra su personal. La violencia sexual, en todas sus formas, vulnera los derechos humanos. Los incidentes de este tipo afligen profundamente a la persona superviviente,…
Adherence to this policy should help to reduce the likelihood and impact of vehicle accidents.
La presente guía (2019) pretende ser un recurso de seguridad sencillo y fácil de usar que sirva a las ONG más pequeñas para romper mitos sobre la gestión de riesgos. Al establecer los elementos de un marco de gestión de…
Aid agencies have a duty of care to respond to incidents of sexual violence against their staff. Sexual violence in all its forms violates human rights. Incidents of this kind are deeply distressing for the survivor, their family, their colleagues…
When you think of business travel safety your mind probably goes straight to overcoming challenges such as a cancelled flight, avoiding a political rally or even something more extreme like terrorism. Yet for certain groups of travellers, it’s the culture…
Insurance is an important form of risk management for NGOs that might not be able to bear a significant unplanned financial loss resulting from a security or medical incident in the field. Yet, engaging with brokers and insurers to purchase…
This guide (2011) was developed in order to have widely agreed upon psychological first aid materials for use in low and middle income countries. The information we have given here is a model only. You will need to adapt it…