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Countering Violent Extremism

This guide (2017) begins by considering definitions and origins of violent extremism, investigating the relevance of origins, traditions and politics. The authors also explore the driving forces behind violent extremism which are compartmentalised into individual and community factors. The document…

15 Sep 2017 Resource

Security Risk Management: a basic guide for smaller NGOs

This guide (2017) aims to be a simple, easy-to-use security resource to help smaller NGOs demystify security risk management. By setting out the elements of a basic security risk management framework, this guide aims to support NGOs in translating their…

29 Jun 2017 Resource

People management (Security to Go module)

People management has a direct impact on security risk management. This module takes a closer look at the employee cycle and identifies the practices in people management which carry an obligation or risk. This module demonstrates that the best solution…

28 Mar 2017 Resource

A family’s guide to coping during a kidnapping

A guide designed by Hostage UK (2010). Having a family member kidnapped can be a frightening experience. You will need support, information and advice. This guide offers practical pointers on how to cope and where to look for further information.…

3 Jan 2017 Resource

Holistic Security: A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders

The Holistic Security manual adopts an explicitly ‘holistic’ approach to security and protection strategies for human rights defenders by integrating and highlighting the interrelatedness of digital security, psycho-social well-being and organisational security processes. The manual (2016) is designed to guide…

2 Sep 2016 Resource

Hotel Security and Safety Assessment Form

There is increasing interest in the health, safety, and security attributes of hotels. Many companies and organisations are interested in this information to satisfy two overarching managerial responsibilities: Duty of Care and Due Diligence. This assessment guide was created to…

24 Jun 2016 Resource

FCO Bereaved Families Guide

This guide (2014) offers advice for families, friends and staff members of British nationals who die overseas.

22 Dec 2015 Resource