Organisational Security Policy Framework Example
This is an example of an organisational security policy framework.
Job Description Example – Deputy Director Global Security
This is an example job description for the position of Deputy Director of Global Security.
Job Description Example – Field Security Coordinator
This is an example job description for the position of Field Security Coordinator.
Job Description Example – Logistics and Security Officer
This is an example job description for the position of Logistics and Security Officer.
Blank Risk Register template: NGOs and Risk
This template risk register which NGOs can use for risk assessment and management is one of four research products emanating from the 2016 NGOs and Risk study, conducted by Humanitarian Outcomes for InterAction with the participation of 14 major international…
Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments Toolkit Third Edition
The toolkit by DCAF and ICRC (2016) has the form of an overall guidance document with references to a selection of the most relevant existing resources and tools. It includes four chapters: 1) Working with host governments, 2) Working with public security forces,…
Media monitoring, information scanning and Intelligence for Human Rights NGOs
This manual offers advice on information gathering by using search engines, Web alerts, newsletters, RSS feeds, and text mining. It follows the path drawn by the information cycle including: Assessing one’s environment, information assets and needs; scanning packages with relevant…
Risk Management Toolkit in Relation to Counterterrorism Measures
This toolkit (2015) is intended to contribute to an increased understanding of the connection between counterterrorism measures and humanitarian action and highlight steps that humanitarian organisations can take and are taking to address some of the main challenges and risks…