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Training Document

CCHN Field Manual on Frontline Humanitarian Negotiation

The CCHN Field Manual (2018) builds on the collective experience and perspectives of numerous humanitarian practitioners working in some of the most challenging conflict environments. It offers a set of concrete tools and methods to plan and prepare negotiation processes…

6 Mar 2019 Resource

Basic Emergency Care: Approach to the Acutely Ill and Injured

Developed by WHO and ICRC, in collaboration with the International Federation for Emergency Medicine, Basic Emergency Care (BEC): Approach to the acutely ill and injured is an open-access 2018 training course for frontline healthcare providers who manage acute illness and injury with…

12 Feb 2019 Resource

Training Manual – Gender Leadership in Humanitarian Action

The purpose of this training manual is to support the institutionalisation of gender equality and women’s rights in all humanitarian action. It was developed by Oxfam to support the implementation of the project Institutionalising Gender in Emergencies: Bridging Policy and…

15 Sep 2017 Resource

Runbag: Prepared When Required

Equipment advice for staff travelling to high risk environments and in need of a durable bag with a protective storage system.

9 Jan 2015 Resource