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The articles contained in this knowledge hub are dispatches from a new frontline in humanitarian action: the digital frontier. All are written by those observing, experiencing and attempting to respond to the challenges created by the digital revolution, and the very real threats it is creating for humanitarian operations. Our aim is to explore the potential of new tools to create a safer and more responsive operational environment for aid workers.


Applying serious gaming to humanitarian security: A framework for mixed-reality training

This article explores how mobile devices can play an important role in crisis situations involving role-playing. Although they don’t match the immersive feeling a participant gets when entering a real-world simulation, mobile devices are well suited to orchestrate a flow of events through a ‘mixed-reality’ environment, allowing the learners to move between virtual tasks assigned on the device and the physical environment.

What is ‘humanitarian communication’? Towards standard definitions and protections for the humanitarian use of ICTs

The increasing use of ICTs by responding organisations and affected populations has changed how information is communicated and received during crises. It may even be changing how some crises occur and unfold. Yet, despite this transformative impact, there is no accepted definition of what constitutes ‘humanitarian communication’, nor what defines the ‘humanitarian use of ICTs’.