Security First Umbrella App
Security First’s flagship Umbrella app gives you free digital and physical security advice when you need it most.
Free Digital Security Courses
Security First online digital security training resources on the Advocacy Assembly website.
Security in a Box
Digital security tools and tactics.
Symantec Security Center
Symantec Security Center
Tactical Tech
Digital security resources from Tactical Tech.
Responsible Data Handbook
This handbook aims to understand what responsible data means in the context of international development programming.
Digital Security of LGBTQI Aid Workers: Awareness and Response
This article discusses the digital risks that LGBTQI aid workers may face while working in areas that are hostile to people who identify or are perceived as LGBTQI, and ways in which aid workers and non-governmental organisations can prepare and respond to these risks.
CartONG and Terre des hommes launch Mobile Data Collection Toolkit
CartONG and Terre des hommes launch website with guidance on collecting data in the field, including information on how to ensure data protection.