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Resources on local-international partnerships


National and international NGOs: equal partners?

International actors on the humanitarian scene don’t always have all the answers, writes Dr. Kamel Mohanna. Involving in-country partners on a more equal footing would deliver better humanitarian results.

Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships

Accelerating Localisation Through Partnerships aims to foster the power of strong partnerships between national and local NGOs and INGOs to strengthen local leadership of humanitarian response and advance the localisation agenda in Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria and South Sudan.

NGOs and Risk: Managing Uncertainty in Local-International Partnerships - Case Studies: Northeast Nigeria & South Sudan

This report examines partnerships between international NGOs (INGOs) and local/national NGOs (L/NNGOs) in two complex, conflict-driven emergencies: Nigeria and South Sudan. It presents case studies that are one component of InterAction’s Risk II: Local Actor Partnerships project – an 18-month research study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA).

Security Management and Capacity Development: International agencies working with local partners

This GISF report (2012) provides an analysis of the issues surrounding the relationship between NGO’s and their local partners. It includes a section on the topic and its background, responsibilities towards the partner organisation and particularly in terms of security, how to enable and help the partner in developing a project from start to finish, the challenges of developing that capacity in the partner organisation.

Partnerships in Conflict: How violent conflict impacts local civil society and how international partners respond

This report summarizes the findings of new research on the impact of violent conflict on civil society organizations (CSOs) and the implications for international actors who partner with them. It finds that local CSOs working in violent conflict settings are more important than ever, as they are at the forefront in responding to the needs of the millions of civilians caught up in violent conflict around the world.

Helping Our Partners To Stay Safe

Yoma Winder reflects on our recent report with International Alert on working with partners in conflict contexts. The report was launched at a panel event at LSE on October 31.

Safeguarding in successful partnerships – Change statement

Bond, in collaboration with its members, has produced this change statement. In this statement we are calling for a fundamental shift in mindset in the development and humanitarian sectors, with the goal of addressing immediate safeguarding challenges by ensuring partner organisations are valued as equal partners.

NGO Consultation for Partnership in Humanitarian Settings ‘Enhancing the Culture of Partnership’

“Whatever the challenge, UNICEF’s focus has always been on achieving results – tangible results that save children’s lives and create new opportunities for young people to fulfil their potential. Our ambitious new Strategic Plan will help us achieve even greater results as we work with our partners to attain the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.” UNICEF Executive Director H. Fore, UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018-2021

PATHWAYS TO LOCALISATION. A framework towards locally led humanitarian response in partnership-based action.

The essential role of local and national actors in humanitarian response was highlighted at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in 2016. The changes or transformations needed to enable local and national actors to take a greater leadership role in humanitarian action were outlined in all three major sets of commitments endorsed at the summit; Agenda for Humanity (2016)1, the Grand Bargain (2016)2, and the Charter for Change (2015)3.


In humanitarian emergencies where access is limited, and risk is high, people’s ability to obtain vital assistance often depends on partnerships between national and international aid organizations. In recent years, driven by the Syrian conflict, significantly larger portions of international humanitarian aid have been implemented through and alongside national and local entities.

Power Awareness Tool: A tool for analysing power in partnerships for development

Relationships between international non-govern- mental organisations (INGOs) and local NGOs are characterised by power imbalances. There are several compelling reasons why these imbalances are undesirable and need to be addressed. This document presents a tool that has been designed to make power imbalances more visible, enabling partners to analyse and reflect on power relations.

Partnership Framework

The frameworks define our position, approach and programme standards for all our areas of work: a) our cross-cutting principles – human rights, sustainability, equality and inclusion, and partnership; b) our core programme approaches – systems strengthening and empowerment, WASH in other sectors, and hygiene behaviour change; c) our thematic/ geographic work – water, sanitation, hygiene, and urban WASH.