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Localisation for Resilient Health Systems

Localisation for Resilient Health Systems table
Date9 Nov 2022
Time4:00 pm GMT |11:00 am
Type Virtual
CostNo Cost
Booking URLhttps://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RBZVSI4OR62YO0VF6h7Fjw

GOAL, The Rand Corporation, University College London, and The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, sponsored by Irish Aid, are hosting FROM CRISIS TO RESILIENCE, a webinar series that aims to explore the emerging lessons and best practices for transforming crisis to resilience.

Learning and investing in resilience at various stages, and within critical socio-economic systems, is crucial to ensuring the preservation of gains in the well-being and development of people in the face of shocks, and to shift from humanitarian assistance towards long-term resilient development.

This 90-minute webinar will address the main challenges and discuss innovative approaches to localisation for resilient health systems in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. Panelists will aim to answer the following questions:

  • What does health resilience mean? What are some political/social determinants of health?
  • What learning is emerging in relation to continuity and improvement of healthcare during adversity and building capacity to respond to health emergencies?
  • What are the main challenges?
  • What approaches or innovations in systems thinking can be applied to build resilient health systems?

This webinar is free and open to all.


Train the Trainer (ToT) Workshop: GISF Exercise Platform for Crisis Simulation

Join us for an interactive Training of Trainer workshop designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use the GISF Exercise Platform (GEP) for crisis simulation exercises. This workshop will cover the core features of the platform, from setup to delivery and analysis, empowering you to create…