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Building Better Together, Saving Lives Together: Nigeria Case Study | GISF at HNPW

Building Better Together, Saving Lives Together: Nigeria Case Study | GISF at HNPW table
Date21 Apr 2023
Time3:00 pm 4:00 pm BST |10:00 am11:00 am EDT
Type Virtual
CostNo cost
Booking URLhttps://vosocc.unocha.org/Report.aspx?page=o0t9pExuBwNFvxxxslashQYr0MUmUmW5AxxxplusLO7cJg8JBMTXmd3KCVeFLSZSQ4Qxxxequalxxxequal


The Saving Lives Together (SLT) framework was established in 2005 by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) to improve security arrangements among the United Nations, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and international Organizations (IOs). Following extensive consultations, a revised SLT Framework was issued in October 2015, aiming to achieve a clear, more focused and systematic approach. Detailed SLT Implementation Guidelines were issued in July 2016.

This session will provide an update on the implementation of the SLT framework, highlighting good practices and challenges. UN and NGO staff based in Nigeria will share their experience with the practical implementation of SLT at field level.


  • TBC

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  1. Click the link above and follow instructions to register


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  3. To find any GISF event, you need to find ‘Priority Topics‘ in the filter selection on the left-hand side of the screen;
  4. Under ‘Priority Topics’ please select ‘Humanitarian Security’– this will filter to show you any registered GISF event;
  5. To register your attendancefor any event, please select ‘register‘ just to the left-hand of the session title;
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  7. When you select register, the ‘register’ button will change to ‘registered‘, and you will receive a confirmation email from ‘no-reply@un.org’. 

If you have any questions on registration, please reach out to Megan (gisf-info@gisf.ngo)

To find out more about the Humanitarian Partnerships and Network Week (HNPW) and to see our other planned sessions please click here


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