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Ensuring access to health care through better security risk management for hospitals in the DRC | Insecurity Insight and IRC

Ensuring access to health care through better security risk management for hospitals in the DRC | Insecurity Insight and IRC table
Date3 May 2024
Time3:00 pm 4:30 pm CEST |9:00 am10:30 am EDT
Type Virtual
Booking URLhttps://vosocc.unocha.org/Report.aspx?page=o0t9pExuBwObtDGIoSxxxplusmLRaL8kxxxplusD1Nio4o9vC5og4Nd71Q4izEH36gxxxequalxxxequal


The panel will discuss the learning from an operational approach to assessing the impact of an attack against the health system on health service delivery, staff and affected communities. In 2023, almost 2,000 attacks against health care in conflict areas were documented in more than 30 countries. More than 150 such incidents were recorded in DRC. This type of violence has profound short-and long-term consequences by undermining the capacity of health care systems and facilities to provide services. Hospital and clinic closures after attacks, looting, and threats often forced patients to travel great distances to access care, at unaffordable costs for many people. In many countries, violence decreased the availability of facility-based childbirth, care for chronic disease, and essential medications. Less visible acts, such as the looting of supplies and medication, hijacking of vehicles, blockages at checkpoints, and threats of and arrests of health workers, deprived clinics and hospitals of materials essential for proper treatment. Health workers who experienced violence often suffer severe psychological consequences.

This panel discussed the findings from a rapid approach to understanding the impact of a specific incident. Such impact analysis is essential to raise awareness, and to help implement a tailored response following an incident, to reduce its impact. It also informs advocacy efforts to prevent violence and strengthen accountability mechanisms.

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