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Published: May 29, 2024

GISF produces its first content in Amharic and Ukrainian

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Amharic and Ukrainian translations bring GISF's resources on security risk management to new audiences in contexts where it is needed most

This week, the Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF) issued its first-ever translated content in Amharic and Ukrainian.

This content is part of the State of Practice report – a major research paper released by GISF and Humanitarian Outcomes earlier this year. The report provides a global review of humanitarian security risk management, highlighting key developments of recent years and decades.

The Amharic and Ukrainian versions provide a shortened ‘summary brief’ of the full-length report. GISF selected these languages for translation, as Ethiopia and Ukraine were featured as case studies in the report.

The summary brief is also available in French, Spanish and Arabic. The full-length version of the report will also be available in these three languages soon.

“As an organisation with a global mandate, GISF is committed to providing more of our resources in languages that are accessible for international and local partners,” said Christian Kriticos, GISF Communications Lead. “Being able to offer the State of Practice report in Amharic and Ukrainian is particularly exciting, as GISF has not produced content in these languages before. With these new translations, we can make this vital knowledge on humanitarian security accessible in contexts where it is needed most.

“Moving forward, GISF will aim to translate even more content. This includes both new publications, as well as some of our older, ‘evergreen’ content. In this way, we can make an even greater impact by reaching audiences in key languages.”

To access all translated versions of the State of Practice report, please visit this page. You can access the translated content on the left of the page in the yellow boxes. You can also access a recording from our launch event for the report here.

To see GISF’s full range of translated content, please visit the resources page, where you can filter content by language.