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Glossary English

The Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF) developed this Glossary to facilitate a common understanding of terms frequently used in security risk management.

The terms and definitions have been drawn from a range of trusted resources, including GISF’s own publications. They have also been informed by a working group of GISF members.

The GISF Glossary is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The site has been designed to enable easy navigation between terms in each language, supporting more consistent and accurate communication across language barriers.

The GISF Glossary is reviewed and updated regularly, to reflect new terms and changing definitions within the security risk management sector. If you have a term you would like to add to the Glossary or a suggested amendment, please contact us through our feedback form.



The unfair inclination or prejudice for or against a particular group that influences personal judgement, based on ‘race’, ethnicity, and other identity characteristics, including gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status. These can be conscious or unconscious. There are four main dimensions of bias: structural (maintenance of biased policies and practices by multiple institutions); institutional (policies and practices that reinforce prejudice); interpersonal (acts and micro-aggressions between individuals); internalised (subtle and overt messages by individuals).
Related terms: discrimination
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The provision of money, gifts, or favours to influence the decision, judgement, or conduct of someone. Bribery is illegal in many countries and is also in breach of most organisations staff behavioural codes.
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business continuity

The strategic and procedural planning that an organisation undertakes to ensure that essential functions can continue during and after a disruptive event. This is a critical step for maintaining resilience, protecting assets, and minimising downtime in the face of various security threats.
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